Energy Alchemy & Gentle Movement Yoga
Sundays at Noon Applewood: 2680 Youngfield Street, Lakewood, CO 80215
- Calms the Mind & Emotions
- Releases Old Energy
- Activates the Immune System
- Opens Channels for Joy
This will be an experience of energetic healing and alchemy through stillness and movement. Think of this practice as another tool for uplifting of mind, body, and spirit. We will practice clearing the energetic field, balancing chakras, grounding energy, and opening to love, peace, joy, and alignment with greatest good. Everyone is invited to this all-levels class with customization for any skill level (chair options are available).
Register by calling Becky (303) 887-2557, or online (Becky is taking payments directly). $22 drop-in. Becky is also available for private yoga sessions and Reiki Treatments.
Payment & Security
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.