SYNOPSIS for the Full Moon in Taurus, Sun in Scorpio, 17th November 2013. Chiron goes direct on 19th

This is a much gentler moon energy, that asks up to slow down and examine our outer world as a reflection of our inner world.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and deals with money, security, possessions, our core values and our self-worth.  Taurus is earthy and loves the `finer things in life`. Venus will show you what needs to be changed in your outer life that does not support your inner truth.

Scorpio Sun asks you to release and clear what no longer serves you. Face your shadow aspects, and clear or integrate them. Own who you are completely, the good parts AND the not so good parts. Learn and grow.

Chiron is the `wounded healer` ~ you can find unique solutions to your `wounds` by delving into the shadow aspect, and also by listening to the messages your body is giving you. All the answers are there.  Nurture yourself first, get the rest you need and be vigilant on what you ask of your body.

Take a full assessment of `where you are` ~ Are your inner and outer worlds in balance?, Does your lifestyle reflect your truth and core values? Do you value yourself fully? If not, this may be reflected by a feeling of not good enough, or not capable? Are we creating excess in our outer life which negates the importance of our inner truth?. Are we walking our talk?

This moon could bring up issues of your material reality ~ money, image, labels, status. The outer world is often driven by ego ~ Keep your focus on creating balance in your life. See the true `value` in the things that bring you joy, contentment, upliftment, and a sense of peace ~~ use these to go into gratitude, use this emotion to create more of the same to manifest for you.

We need to change our inner reality and focus before we can change our outer reality.



Moon Gatherings with Anne Clark-Caya – presenting twice monthly Full and New Moon Gatherings with Intention Setting Visualizations
Full Moon and New Moon cycles in the astrological houses as well as nearby planets can have a significant influential role in our lives.   Anne will explain the energies of each cycle and how we can work with these prevailing energies to empower and enhance our lives.  A guided visualization will help you set clear intention to engage with each two-week moon cycle. Join us !  Cost:  $10/person. Call the store or Anne to RSVP.
AnneClark-CayaNEWAnne Clark-Caya – Spiritual Energy Healer, Colour Mirrors Practitioner, Merkaba Meditation Teacher – I am British and am settling into life in Colorado after living in South Africa for 36 years. I am very excited to have recently introduced COLOUR MIRRORS from South Africa into the USA. This fascinating new therapy uses the psychology of colour, in order to assist in your finding the answers to life`s challenges and dilemmas. COLOUR MIRRORS is well established in Europe and the East ~ and people here in the USA is enjoying these amazing coloured bottles.
I have almost 40 years of study and research into the Metaphysical world. I have focused on the study and experience of various alternative practices. These include Barbara Anne Brennan energy therapy, Flower of Life Facilitator, ( Mer Ka Ba lightbody activation) Stress Management, Reiki Master Teacher, Massage and Aromatherapy, and Meditation Teacher. Anne is also available on Tuesday, Wednesday and 1st and 3rd Sundays from 11-5PM or by appointment for Energy Clearing and Healing Balance
Astrology for the new ageFull moonFull moon meditationMeditation

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