Being THAT Change ~ A Nick Message for November
YOU determine what changes will be brought into your life, your experience. The power is yours, and yours alone in this activation. What is it that you do not wish in your life? Activate Change! Who is it that you do not wish in your life? Activate Change! What is it about yourself that you do not care for? Activate Change! These are gifts of expansion given to self to empower yourSELF. This is a time of SELF power re-activation…In your face, do-or-don’t-do, just make up your mind!
We know that many of you are going through many emotional and medical shifts. These are processes of change which are occurring energetically and physically. The energy body and the physical body are re-calibrating due to changes which situations and people are bringing into your experience. Today is a very powerful day…a major shift of energy: Solar eclipse, New Moon, Time Change (in certain areas) and energies from Mercury Retrograde. Be gentle with self today. Allow this shift to “enhance” your being, to “lovingly” embrace your energetic and physical body.
Those that are here to be of service may also be questioning whether the work they have been doing is making a difference…self doubt….Know that you ARE making a difference. You may not receive confirmation, however, the energetic shifts your are experiencing ARE your confirmation. The more light you emanate, the higher the vibration your energy body experiences…more re-calibration is necessary for the physical body to work through. Stand in your power and know that you are part of this huge process of change.
The feminine energy has come in this year…she is cleaning house, cleaning up after the imbalance of energy left behind by the exited male energy. It was here for the past 26,000 years. There is just “a little” clean-up to be done…a purge of old energies, per say. This is evident through the weather changes, people going “crazy,” and changes which have be “called” for by the masses. You wanted to be here during this lifetime to experience these changes of expansion…to add to the process of universal expansion.
Be Here Now! Be THAT Change!
We love you very much ~ Nick 11/3/13
Deb Klepsch – Channeling “Nick” – Deborah has been channeling Marstuthnick (Nick) since January 2007 when he “appeared” during a past life regression. Nick says, “We are of many legions. We come to help man make aware their gifts.” Deborah has been a Reiki Master since 1997 and received her Doctor of Philosophy in Parapsychic Science in 2006 from the American Institute of Holistic Theology, Birmingham, Alabama.
Now on sale at the store! Autographed copy of her latest book, Marstuthnick: Flight of the Phoenix.
RSVP Deb is available for readings during our 2nd and 4th Sunday Psychic Fairs from 11-5 or by appointment. Also catch Deb in group during her CHANNELING MARSTUTHNICK ”NICK” Night – Pure Conscious Channel on Evenings of Guidance with questions and answers Quarterly on Fridays from 7-8:30PM