Sun Moon Uranus Mars and Venus in Aries.

Pluto is retrograde 12th April -20th September.

Key Words:  Boldness, Fearlessness, New Paradigms, Imagination, Wisdom, Revelations, Authenticity, Action, Conscious creation, Courage.

The new moon is for sowing  seeds, setting intentions and initiating new ventures. Also refining your beliefs and expansion of what already  ‘is’.

Aries Rules new beginnings too, Initiating innovative approaches to life. Blazing new trails. Assertiveness,  Honesty, Self-Discovery, Explorations and Independence.

I am not going to even mention the `shadow aspects` of Aries, as this is such a fabulous and supportive new moon because of all the other super planetary energy also in Aries at this time.

You may have experience the jolting energy of the March full moon 2 weeks ago –?  But this new moon is here to make up for all that was challenging then. I am seeing so much more evidence of the old patriarchal stuff dyeing off,, and allowing the co-operating and holistic wisdom of the divine feminine to fully show her face. Time to bring your individual unique gifts to the world table.

This is an action packed new moon. Anything you are in the process of initiating now will be supercharged for success – be it relationships, career, or business ventures – this is a brilliant time to blaze new trails and make fresh starts. Leave the past and the old ways behind you, and find new paradigms to manifest into your life.

Only your own fear can hold you back and limit you now – so if fears are presenting, take a good look at what these may be about –? Fear of failing? OR is it fear of success? Perhaps fear of judgment and others opinions? Remember even a failure is simply a way of finding out ‘how not to do it’ – , and a way to find out what we actually ‘do not want’.

Life as a process- not an event ,,,, So embrace that you- and only you- are responsible for your reality and what you manifest into your life.

Pluto retrograde time is great for seeing where we need to make real changes in our lives – not superficial adjustments which simply serve to make us just a bit more relaxed in our comfort zones. Pluto retrograde highlights the blind spots we maintain to help us ignore an issue, and let ourselves stay unconscious. So be alert to anything you `had not noticed before`.

Mars and Venus are in full harmony, so expect ease and harmony in your relationships, and work to integrate your own male/female selves.


Anne Clark-Caya

AstrologyAstrology for the new ageMeditation

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