Chimes, Chakra Seven

Sale price$34.95


The seven stones of the Woodstock Chakra Chimes' clapper are thoughtfully arranged in an ascending column, mirroring the alignment of the seven chakras along the spine in the human body. Each stone corresponds to one of the seven major chakras, with both its color and associated properties symbolizing the energy and healing potential of that chakra. The chakras, as understood in Eastern traditions, represent vital energy centers that are linked to specific aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Modern physiological studies have found correlations between these chakras and the main nerve ganglia that emanate from the spinal column, providing a scientific basis for the ancient wisdom. The Woodstock Chakra Chimes use the combination of color and sound to emphasize the significance of these energy centers. Each stone on the clapper is carefully chosen to resonate with the corresponding chakra, providing a visual and auditory reminder of the strength and balance that can be achieved through alignment of the chakras. Here is a breakdown of the seven chakras as represented by the stones on the Woodstock Chakra Chimes: Sahasrara (Crown Chakra): Color: Violet Attributes: Thought, self-knowledge Stone: Amethyst Ajna (Brow Chakra): Color: Indigo Attributes: Intuition, clarity Stone: Lapis Lazuli Vishuddha (Throat Chakra): Color: Turquoise Attributes: Sound, self-expression Stone: Turquoise Anahata (Heart Chakra): Color: Green Attributes: Love, compassion Stone: Aventurine Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra): Color: Yellow Attributes: Growth, personal power Stone: Citrine Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra): Color: Orange Attributes: Creativity, enthusiasm Stone: Carnelian Muladhara (Base Chakra): Color: Red Attributes: Physical identity, self-preservation Stone: Red Jasper As the wind gently stirs the chimes, the harmonious sounds produced are intended to bring a sense of balance and harmony to the listener, providing a small yet profound connection to the balance of the physical and metaphysical realms. The design and intention behind the Woodstock Chakra Chimes remind us of the mind's power over matter, offering a window into the deep connection between body, mind, and spirit.

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