This past Saturday, we had our monthly Let’s Get Stoned gemstone exploration. Our guest presenter was Bob McCumber of Enigma Minerals. He focused the workshop on Angel Wing Amphibole, Giraffe Laser Wand Quartz, and Greenland minerals including Nuummit, Chrysolite and Preselli. Bob is the premier expert on crystal gemstones and rocks, bridging the gap between these two worlds with his no-nonsense approach. His gemstone exploration is based on authentic local identification. One of the most interesting crystals of the evening was the laser wand quartz. We had many questions about this particular crystal.

What is a Laser Wand crystal?

A Laser is a naturally formed long slender crystal that tapers towards its termination. It is a healing crystal that will not only focus Universal Life Force on the primary illness, but will channel some power to unseen secondary problems, curing them before they manifest themselves.

Laser wands are used during meditations to help with communication between one’s higher self and for directing and pinpointing energy effectively. The small termination on the end of a laser wand helps to focus its energy extremely well.

There are those that use laser wands for clearing an area of negative or unwanted energy and top create protective barriers against energies or entities that are unwelcome. They are useful in “beaming” healing energy to any recipient including one’s self.

To learn more, or hold one in person, stop by the store. One of our experts will help you in learning more and finding the crystal that is right for you and your desires. Better yet, come to the next Let’s Get Stoned workshop! We hold them monthly, and you can pre-register by clicking this link:

Our Saturday, December 2, 2017 workshop will bring guest presenter Serendipty. Serendipty was the former manager of Earth-Love Gallery and we are happy to bring her extensive crystal and gemstone knowledge to our customers! We hope you’ll join us from 7:00-9:00pm at the store. Blessings~


ChannelCrystalCrystal laser wandCrystalsEarthEnergyGalleryGiftsHealingLaserLaser wandLearningLoveManifestMetaphysicalQuartzSpectrumTerminationTool

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