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Crystals are a tool which work with your energy field to absorb, focus and direct energies. People put crystals in interesting places, but they work well when placed around the home, depending on what they do. One example: on your nightstand. When placed close to your bed, you can feel a crystal’s energy while you sleep. Another great location is behind your computer at work. It’s best to keep them in spots where you’re around them for a substantial amount of the day.

When starting out, it’s hard to know which crystals to use for healing. We tend to gravitate to the beautiful crystals without consideration for their healing properties. Although it is a good idea to purchase crystals that speak to you (and figure out why they speak to you), here are the 10 best crystals to keep around your home or office.

Amethyst – It is said to aid creative thinking and spiritual awareness. It is also a protective stone and thought to reduce nightmares. It is also believed to release tension and its purple color makes it the perfect stone for the crown and brow chakras.

Aventurine – A stone of optimism and zest for life. It can help you take everything in stride. It is also a stone of ‘good luck’. Its green color makes it a wonderful heart chakra crystal.

Carnelian – This crystal brings an influx of life force into the body and is a powerful aid to those who wish to build confidence and courage within themselves. Its orange color makes it an excellent sacral crystal.

Citrine – A beautiful ‘feel good’ crystal. It can help banish negativity and deep gloom and inspire enthusiasm and feelings of self-confidence. It is also called the ‘merchants stone’ and placing it in the wealth corner* of your home is said to invite abundance. Citrine’s yellow color matches the solar plexus chakra.

Clear Quartz – This is the master healing crystal. It strengthens and stabilizes the body’s energy field and promotes harmony. It’s clear color includes all the colors of the rainbow so matches all of the chakras, but especially the crown.

Fluorite – This crystal is said to help absorb new ideas and bringing order to chaos. It also cleanses the aura. Containing purple, green and clear colors, Fluorite’s energy often matches the crown and heart chakras.

Hematite – The most effective stone for grounding yourself in the here and now. It helps dissolve negativity and enables you to learn from your mistakes. A great stone for the base chakra.

Red Jasper – This crystal may help enhance stamina. It is believed to strengthen the link between the base chakra and the Earth and help to stabilize your energy if you keep it with you.

Rose Quartz – This pink crystal is the stone of unconditional love – for yourself, loved ones and everything in the Universe. Reawakening trust and faith in all that surrounds us, Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal for the heart chakra.

Sodalite – A stone of insight. It is said to enhance mental powers of analysis and intuition. Its blue color makes it a great stone for the throat chakra allowing you to speak your own truth.

To learn more about all these crystals, visit the store, or join us for our monthly Let’s Get Stoned class. It’s a gemstone exploration where you can learn from crystal experts and get hands-on help in finding the stones that are right for you. Blessings~

*Wealth Corner: This is the most well-known feng shui money area; it is located in the Southeast bagua area of your home or office (if you are using the Classical feng shui bagua) or in the upper left area (if you are using the Western/BTB bagua).

4 crystals that attract money and luckAmethyst for insomniaCarnelianCitrineClear quartzCrystal healingCrystal healing denverCrystalsDenverFloriteGemstonesHealingHematiteMetaphysicalQuartzRed jasperRocksRose quartzSodaliteSpiritual

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