Our dear friend and psychic medium Heather Hunter, who is lovingly called “America’s phone line to Heaven,” answered this question recently on her website and we wanted to share it with you! We hope you enjoy her insight into Heaven, and be sure to see her upcoming For Heaven’s Sake Lakewood event details at the bottom of this post.

What’s It Like In Heaven?

If I had a dollar for every time I have been asked that question…I’d have a fortune by now!

So what’s the answer? Well, it depends.

It truly seems to depend on who (in Heaven) you ask!  I once began to bring through a deceased husband for his wife.  It was only a few minutes into our session and I had just described this man’s appearance and manner of passing when she blurted out, “What’s he doing over there?”
Her husband showed me a very large, crystal clear lake with water so calm it was smooth as glass. The surface of the water perfectly reflected the blue sky with a few white fluffy clouds.  In the very middle of this giant serene lake he showed himself in a small boat, fishing.  As soon as I shared this image with his wife he showed me a new scene.  In this next scene he was in the middle of an enormous  golf course of the brightest green. His wife was a bit incredulous.  She shared that fishing (especially alone) and golfing were absolutely two of her husband’s favorite things to do while he was here on Earth.

At this point you may be wondering if we can actually fish and golf in Heaven?  My answer would be that it seems we certainly can.  Or, we can at least create the experience of fishing and golfing.  I’ve also been shown diabetics enjoying their favorite meals and sweets, and those who were athletic participating in their favorite sports.  It could be that they wish to share images of themselves doing their favorite earthly things to simply let their living loved ones know they are happy.  I have also been shown we go on to learn, and possibly have “jobs” of sorts.  For those who had significant mental or physical health issues while here in the physical I have sometimes seen healing taking place in a pleasant environment that appears to be a cross between a spa and a hospital or recovery center.

The overall impression I get from the spirits is that the colors, the music, the nature, and even the experiences on the other side are so much more profound and magnificent than here on Earth.  It’s as if Earth life is like the first black and white part of The Wizard of Oz movie, with crossing over being comparable to Dorothy stepping out of her misplaced Kansas home into the wonderful world of Oz–surreal and brightly colored.

I will be sharing more on this subject and covering many more questions about the spirit world and our ongoing connections with our passed loved ones in an upcoming book.  My hope is to have it available for purchase within a year or sooner, and those of you on my email list will be among the first to have the opportunity to read it. (sign up for Heather’s email list here)

Blessings~ Heather

Heather will be joining us at our second location on April 29th, 2018, from 5:30-7:30pm. This is an intimate, 8-person Spirit Circle that will last for two hours. Do you have someone waiting to communicate with you, or someone you hope to communicate with? Join us and have the incredible opportunity to communicate with loved ones on the other side.

This event will sell out. Purchase tickets for Heather’s 8-Person Spirt Circle by clicking here: http://bit.ly/HeatherHunterApril2018 or by calling the store: 303.953.8760 We hope to see you!

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