A beautiful Calming Mala created by Peacock Arts.

Mala’s are a traditional tool used to count the number of times a mantra is recited, breaths while meditating, or the repetitions of a buddha’s name.  This practice is known in Sanskrit as japa. Malas are typically made with 18, 27, 54 or 108 beads. In Tibetan Buddhism, malas of 108 beads are used. From our friend Ky Gabriel at Peacock Arts, “It is said that 108 times is the ideal number to take the prayer from a head space into an embodied heart space and when using a Mala there is no need to count, you can let the beads do it for you!”

The increasing popularity of Yoga has made Malas fashionable. With strands of 108 beads plus a “guru” bead traditionally used for meditation and prayer, designers are making mala necklaces now that combine gemstones imbued with potent energies and sacred meaning to infuse your practice. However, most Malas are worn around the wrist. When looking at a Mala, notice the knots in between the beads. These knots represent our thoughts in meditation. The knots stop the beads from touching each other, just like our thoughts should not touch each other. As a “pro” tip, Ky states, “I recommend never buying Malas that aren’t hand knotted.”

For Heaven’s Sake is teaming up with Ky Gabriel in early January 2018 for a Mala making workshop, where she’ll provide insight into the art of Mala making. Come set powerful intentions for your life and create beautiful 108 bead Malas while making new friends. Learn about mantras and how to use them in your japa meditation with your very own healing gemstone Mala that you will create! Includes a short guided meditation. No experience necessary.

To be sure to get the stones and colors you desire, signing up early is required. The class is $65 includes all materials and instruction (price includes standard stones). Ky will contact you with stone options as soon as your order is confirmed. There may be an additional charge for premium stones (available upon request).

Register for the Mala making workshop today – space is limited! You can register online by clicking here or by calling the store: 303.964.9339. 

BeadsBookstoresBuddhaClassesDenverEventsGemstonesGuru beadJapaMalaMalasMeditationMetaphysicalSpiritualityTibetan buddhismUncategorizedWorkshopsYoga

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