Is there something to fear on Friday the 13th?
For years people have said Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Horror movies have been named after this day, that’s how prevalent the the belief is, however, astrologically, there’s nothing about Fridays or the 13th of the month that indicate danger or bad luck.
Friday is associated with the planet Venus, which associates the day with pleasant things like love, friendship, art and even a little indulgence. In Angel Numbers, 13 presents the following:
“The ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin, and so on) are with you, helping you maintain a positive outlook. The number 13 signifies that female ascended masters and goddesses are assisting you in staying positive.”
Studies do show that the occurrence of accidents tends to go up on Friday the 13th, but many authorities believe that this is the result of excessive anxiety rather than the day itself. So when Friday the 13th rolls around, if you’re feeling anxious, meditate, light incense or commune with your crystals. You can also come by the store and enjoy some company and meet new people who share your interests!
The key take away is: relax.
Many Blessings~