Unlocking Gratitude with Crystals
By Eliza Marie Somers

Gratitude is something I strive for every day, however, with life’s ups and downs and our human nature to look for the “negative,” it can be a struggle.

So in this time of thankfulness, let’s take a look at some crystals that can help you achieve a grateful attitude.

Yellow Calcite: Ahhh, calcite — the multivitamin for the soul – is a wonderful way to start clearing out those negative feelings and thoughts. Yellow calcite washes away blockages that can cause pessimism. It restores joy and gratitude quickly.

Phenacite: This high vibrational crystal is a bit hard to find, and it’s worth the hunt. It activates and aligns all the chakras, especially the higher chakras, including the Soul Star chakra. Phenacite will allow you to focus on the positives in your life.

Hiddenite: Is green Kunzite. It holds the same properties as Kunzite, which is pale to a light purple, and dissolves negativity. Hiddenite, according to Melody, is excellent for heart chakra meditation and can help you focus on what is the basis of unhappiness. It’s also no wonder Melody states that Hiddenite is used to increase cognitive health by increasing blood flow to the brain, which is especially important for us at high altitudes.

Green Apatite: In The Book of Stones, Naisha Ahsian writes green apatite is a stone of awakening spring, bringing freshness and new beginnings. This heart chakra crystal is useful in communicating with loved ones, and helps to halt negative communication habits. Hmmm, maybe put some around your holiday table!

Amethyst: The master healer has been used to treat addictions, and if you are “addicted” to negative thinking, think about wearing some Amethyst.

Malachite: The “transformation” crystal can help you break old patterns of negative thinking and a hardened heart by clearing all chakras, especially the heart and throat chakras.

Seraphinite: The flashes of silver running through this crystal have been described as angel wings, hence the name. It is said to help one connect with the angels, something we can use when negative thoughts enter the mind, and thankfulness is a mile away.

Chrysoprase:  Another green crystal that opens the heart. It can help one accept others and one’s self, energizing the heart chakra.

Green Aventurine: A crystal for optimism and zest for life! Green Aventurine, also known for its good luck properties, can help you release attachments to negativity in order to find joy.

Carnelian: You might be wondering why I put carnelian on here. Well, it can help you find a new path, and if cultivating an attitude of gratitude has been elusive, Carnelian might just be the answer.

Remember the more we are grateful for, the more we will receive.

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