Practical Ways to Raise Your VibrationYour vibration has a significant impact on what you attract in life. Every reaction, every interaction and every decision you make can raise or lower your vibration.

A high vibrational state can equate to increased happiness, health, well being and increased spiritual awareness. Lower vibrational state, on the other hand, is often linked with depression, health challenges, lethargy and negative emotions.

Listed below are 4 practical ways to raise your vibration.

Surround yourself with great people

Your friends are a reflection of you. Hang out with people who see how awesome you are, have the same morals as you and those who are empowering. If you hang out with friends and family members who seem to think negatively and are problematic most of the time, you are bound to catch on to those negative frequencies. You can raise your own energy levels by choosing to surround yourself with people who vibrate highly.

Do deep breathing

Deep breathing exercises help alleviate stress and clear your mind of the negative thoughts that impact your vibration. It also helps spread oxygen through your body. The more oxygen your cells get, the more alive you will feel. Take nice long, deep breaths and tell your brain to slow down.


Meditation clears your mind of all the clutter; hence, allowing you to focus on things that are truly important. It is helps alleviate stress and is considered as the fastest way to raise your vibration. It doesn’t matter how long you do it or where you do it. What matters is that you set aside time each day to quiet your thoughts. Make meditation a regular practice in your life.

Eat healthy foods

You are what you eat. Eat healthy and drink lots of water. When you nurture your physical body, you’re not only feeding your body the nutrients it need. Rather, you’re also assisting your body in flushing out toxins. Ingest fresh, whole foods and feel the wonderful benefits. It will also help raise your vibration.

Do deep breathingEat healthy foodsFor heaven sakeFor heaven sake denverGratitudeHow to meditateMediataionMeditationPractical ways to raise your vibrationSurround yourself with great people

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