Kuan Yin embodies the flame of mercy and compassion. This is why she is referred to as the goddess of mercy and compassion. Some of you may have heard of her as the legendary princess who is known for her great compassion.

Kuan Yin is someone who was destined to become a Buddha, but has forgone the bliss of Nirvana with a vow to save all the children of God. She has taken the vow to save all beings from suffering.

Her names are numerous. In China, Japan, and Korea, she is known as Kuan Yin. In Tibetan Buddhism, however, Kuan Yin takes on a male form as Avalokitesvara. Avalokitesvara’s was born from a ray of light that sprang from Amitabha Buddha’s right eye.

What are the uses of Kuan Yin spray?

Kuan Yin spray was inspired by the goddess of compassion and mercy. This spray is intended for those who are feeling down and overwhelmed. Use this spray to bring in Kuan Yin’s protective energy for yourself and for your loved ones. It will also bring in love, kindness, compassion, calmness, and serentiy. This will help you feel and act with compassion and mercy.

The Kuan Yin spray is with a proprietary blend of essential oils, water, organic vanilla extract, aura soma, gemstone tinctures, bach flower essences, and holy waters from around the world. Makers offer chants and prayers to Kuan Yin while creating this spray.

This spray will help enhance your strength, wisdom, and spirituality. It has a citrusy, floral aroma that will help bring relief from stress, anxiety and suffering. It will also restore grace while bringing compassion, acceptance, harmony, and peace into your life.

Key ingredients

Waters: St. Anne’s Cathedral in Quebec, Manitoba Springs, Lanzon Teotihuacan, St. Germain in France, Spring from Mother Mary’s home in Anatolia, Turkey, Chalice well water

Gemstone essence: Rose quartz, Pink opal, Magenta-dyed Agate, Green aventurine

Bach flower essences: Holly Water Violet, Gorse, Chicory, Centaury

Notes: floral, rosey, citrusy, and heavenly

Amitabha buddha’sBliss of nirvanaFor heaven's sake denverKuan yin sprayKuan yin spray uses and benefitsSpiritual practice

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