How to consciously choose what to experience by Yves Nager
Through my last 2 Newsletters I told you two stories which I experienced at the beginning of my transformational journey 7 years ago and recently in Hawaii. I also shared with you some first tools, one important tool was the power of gratitude. Today I will share more steps with you, how you can begin to transform your life and align it to the things which really matter to you.
The first important secret which got revealed to me is how beneficial moments of solitude are. How many times did you spent time just by yourself recently? I learned that many are afraid to go to such a place, because they have some initial fears about stepping out of their (uncomfortable) comfort zone. For me, truly being with myself and embracing myself in challenging times was one of the first acts of getting out of my comfort zone. For the first time in my life, I let those senses of pain and sadness to come arise to be naturally transformed using the tools I learned such as meditation and reading books with spiritual wisdom and love like “Mastery of Love” or “The Four Agreements”.
Based on my own experience and many similar stories others told me, I can guarantee you that synchronicities and miracles start to be revealed to you as soon you step out of your comfort zone and when you stay open and receptive. When I look back now on the difficult time I had 7 year ago, I understand that this heartbreaking experience I wrote about a week ago was most beneficial for my ongoing journey. Through this experience I got absolutely clear about how my ideal relationship would look like but most importantly I could start finding peace, self-love and harmony within myself again.
The next step I applied after I spent some beneficial time in solitude was to take action again. I took action again towards the direction of what I consciously chose to experience next. The very first thing I did was actually skydiving in an attempt to get myself out of my unhappy mental state and back into my physical body. The fastest way to get unstuck is to do what you’ve never done before.
Of course, you don’t need to take such an intense action after you felt stuck in life the way I did, but you can always take the first small steps of what you would like to create in your life already starting from today. Many people became aware of the law of attraction over the recent years. There are basically two scenarios: either you create a positive life through positive thoughts, or you allow negative thoughts to bring troubles to you. So the question is which scenario you consciously choose to experience for yourself.
The last important insight I would like to share with you for today is how important it is for our well-being and happiness to be in a state of “no tension”. There are two simple aspects to this principle: The first is to act from that place of “no tension”, the place of peace and calm that all of us have inside. The second is to do all you can think to do and then let go. This is something I learned as a part of the “Passion Test” process:, I invite you to consider to practice this “No Tension” because it produces great results, no matter where you find yourself right now:
In my next newsletter I will talk about in more depth how exactly you can apply this principle of “no tension” in your life. I will also share another powerful tool with you, how you can start to identify and overcome those things which hold you back from creating your desired results of the things which really matter to you.
Announcement: We will offer another global meditation on June 6, this time for the Earth Balance and Harmony. So many areas on the planet now are experiencing intense natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tornadoes and floods etc. and countless people around the world are being affected by the powerful forces of nature especially people in Nepal and many areas in the US as well at the moment.
We are all intricately connected with all life and changes on this planet. This meditation is another opportunity for all of us to come together as one heart to offer prayer and love and focus on new visions of harmony and balance for Mother Earth and our global family. For all details please visit:
Until next week. With love and gratitude, Yves
Meet Yves and Eunjung at For Heaven’s Sake!
June 2, 2015 – Tuesday evenings at 7PM
Passion Alchemy 5 week Course
With Certified Passion Test Facilitators Eunjung Choi & Yves Nager
Discover a life of inspired passionate living! Passion ignites the essence of your soul and guides you to the unique purpose you are here to share. Getting really clear on your passions – those things that matter most to you – and living them fully, enhances so many areas of your life …
Health Happiness Life Purpose Career Family Relationships Finances Leisure
Through this fun and profound Passion Alchemy course, you will:
* Clarify your Top 5 passions – the things that are most important to YOU
* Learn how to align your life with your passions and take inspired actions to experience more joy, love and fulfillment.
* Learn effective and powerful strategies to overcome obstacles and challenges which may prevent you from living the fullest expression of you.
* Study the formula for creating whatever you choose to experience in your life.
* Learn a secret to guaranteeing a passionate, meaningful and prosperous life
* Create a vision board of your heart dream.
* Practice a guided abundance meditation.
DATE: Every Tues. for 5 weeks from June 2 – June 30, 2015
TIME: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
COST: $30 per class. If you pay for all 5 classes in advance, it is $125.
To sign up, contact 303 886 2038 /