How I realized the power of gratitude by Yves Nager


Last week I shared with you a story that was at the beginning of my transformational story here in Hawaii. This week, I’d like to share 3 tools for transformation and another piece on my journey to freedom and fulfillment and how I was able to start to transform negative thoughts and emotions in challenging situations in the following years.

During my return to Honolulu last week, I had some new AHA-moments and insights. When I celebrated my 39th day of rebirth on Oahu, my wife Eunjung was in the East Coast due to her work. She arrived 2 days later on April 30th. It was briefly before I drove to the airport to pick her up, I had one of these AHA-moments.

I saw that there was this concrete structure stretched out to the ocean right in front of the hotel I was staying and I suddenly realized that this was the same beach where I used to visit very often 7 years ago after a very unlucky relationship I had with someone fell apart. After just a month of being together, this person and I both realized that we couldn’t have a committed relationship with each other. After believing that I had found the perfect woman of my dreams, I was very heart-broken and tried my best to somehow release my pain.

During this difficult time, I felt that I needed to find a less crowded area than the Waikiki beach and I found a smaller and calmer beach about 10 minutes away. I always came here to study the books “The Mastery of Love” and “The Four Agreements” from Don Miguel Ruiz and journal about what I just learned from reading it and the phase of life I just went through.

I always liked to sit at the very same spot (the picture above shows me sitting at the same spot during this visit) and day dreamt what a wonderful time we could have shared right there at the beach and also in the hotel nearby. This was in 2008 and on the morning of April 30, 2015, I suddenly realized that I was back again at this same beach and that I was staying in the same hotel that I saw 7 years ago.

Now I would see my beloved partner Eunjung very soon and bring her here to the same spot.

This amazing realization touched me deeply and moved me to tears. But this time I was not crying because of grief, but because of deep gratitude. I realized that 7 years ago, I had visited the area I would return 7 years later with a completely changed life path and I am so grateful. You may be asking yourself now what hidden secrets for transformation were revealed to me over the past 7 years.

One thing I realized (besides journaling and reading inspiring books) over the last several years is how powerful gratitude is and that gratitude brings even more opportunities and synchronicity that guide us closer to our life purpose. One simple thing you can do is write down every day at least 5 things you are grateful for in your life or even better to share what you are grateful for with your partner or a dear friend on a daily basis. This simple step alone can begin to transform your life. In my next newsletter I will share with you more tools that I used to shift from negative thoughts and feelings to freedom and peace as well as how you can start to apply them in your own life.

Announcement: The very next morning after I sent out the last newsletter I learned that an aftermath earthquake just has hit in Nepal. I got this sad news right before a session with a client who has friends living there. Eunjung and I feel a strong call in our hearts to offer another Global healing meditation. This time we will focus on the earth and in particular on the region of Nepal. The meditation will be on June 6 at 1 pm (Mountain Time) and we hope you can join us. We will set up the event this week and I will share all the details with you in my next newsletter next week.

Until next week. With love and appreciation, Yves


Meet Yves and Eunjung at For Heaven’s Sake!

May 29, 2015 – Friday evening at 7PM (FREE Talk)

Passion Alchemy 5 week Course

With Certified Passion Test Facilitators Eunjung Choi & Yves Nager

Discover a life of inspired passionate living! Passion ignites the essence of your soul and guides you to the unique purpose you are here to share.  Getting really clear on your passions – those things that matter most to you – and living them fully, enhances so many areas of your life …

Health   Happiness    Life Purpose   Career Family     Relationships Finances  Leisure

  Through this fun and profound Passion Alchemy course, you will:

* Clarify your Top 5 passions – the things that are most important to YOU

* Learn how to align your life with your passions and take inspired actions to experience more joy, love and fulfillment.

* Learn effective and powerful strategies to overcome obstacles and challenges which may prevent you from living the fullest expression of you.

* Study the formula for creating whatever you choose to experience in your life.

* Learn a secret to guaranteeing a passionate, meaningful and prosperous life

* Create a vision board of your heart dream.

* Practice a guided abundance meditation.

DATE:  Every Tues. for 5 weeks from June 2 – June 30, 2015

TIME:   7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

COST:  (May 29th FREE Intro.) $30 per class. If you pay for all 5 classes in advance, it is $125.

To sign up, contact 303 886 2038 /


Denver spiritual communityEunjung choiEventsPassion testUncategorizedYves nager

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