Humans are social creatures. As we go about our daily lives, we communicate, mingle and come in contact with hundreds of different people. You may not realize it, but you are actually absorbing the energies of the people around you.

Unless you live in a cocoon, you are likely to encounter a negative person every now and then. Negative energies can be harmful to your aura. As such, it is important that you learn how to block negative energy from other people.

Here are some tips on how to protect yourself from other people’s negative energy, so you can live your life full of positive energy.

Use crystals

Stones and crystals are capable of both providing protection and transforming energy. Turquoise, Black Onyx, Obsidian, Amethyste, Hematite and Emerald are just some of the best crystal to have because they have the ability to protect against negative energies or deflect it away from their owner. You can wear them, place them on your desk, keep them in your pocket or sleep near them.

Most of the crystals mentioned above are inexpensive and readily available. Please check out our crystals and gemstones page, and we’ll help you find one that will work well with you.

Shield yourself

Some people are more in tune to other people’s emotions and thoughts. They are called empaths.

If you are an empath, you should try to keep your energetic doors closed to invaders. Your energetic territory is your own personal space. Don’t let others tap into your field of energy.  If you give people access, you are giving them the opportunity seep in and influence your mood and behavior. Remember, negativity is an extremely powerful force, so you need to shield yourself.

Distance yourself from the suspected source

Interactions with negative people tend to be draining. When a co-worker talks to you and complains endlessly about her friends, family or work tasks, you may find yourself feeling stressed and exhausted by the end of the conversation. Sometimes, it may take a few hours for the effects to wear off.

Some people endure these types of conversation because they don’t want to hurt the persons’ feelings, but it is important that you distance yourself from this person if you feel your energy being zapped. Politely excuse yourself and try to end the conversation.


Block negative energyBlock negative peopleCrystal energyCrystal healingEnergy workHow to block negative energy from other peopleSelf protectionShieldingSpiritual practice

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