You don’t have to be a psychic to read tarot cards. Use these tips to help you get started on your path towards tarot card reading.
Keep it simple
When trying to learn how to read tarot cards, you might be tempted to buy a bunch of books and decks and try to memorize the meaning of each card. But if you do, you may end up confused and overwhelmed.
Learning tarot reading doesn’t have to be an ordeal. In fact, it can fun and interesting if you keep it simple. Start with simple spreads, simple techniques, and simple meanings.
Practice, practice, practice
When you are first learning to read tarot cards, make it a habit to draw one card a day. Take a look at the picture and notice your first impression and emotional reaction to the card. Then, look up the meaning in the book and compare it with your own impressions.
Read your cards daily, be it for yourself or for others. As you work with tarot cards on a regular basis, you will develop a personal connection with them.
Read the picture
If you do not have an inherent sense of what the cards mean, take a look at the tarot card and ask yourself, what is the picture telling me? What is the atmosphere of the card? What is going on in the card? Simply describe the card, as if you’re describing it to another person. Use a lot of descriptive phrases and adjectives. Speak aloud, even if you’re just reading for yourself.
Use your intuition
There is more to reading tarot cards than memorizing the meaning of each card. You also need to quiet your mind and use your intuition to interpret the card. Your instinct can provide you with important guidance in deciphering the messages of individual cards.
Take your time with these exercises and play around with these techniques. These exercises will allow you to engage with your tarot cards and gain a strong connection with them.
Check out our event on September 23, 2016 – Friday evening from 7-9 PM
How to Read the Tarot by Richard Hartnett
If you ever wanted to learn how to work with Tarot cards this workshop is for you! This class will give you a basic understanding of each of the suits and explore in depth the meaning of each of the Major Arcana cards. This will be an interactive event so come prepared to participate!
Richard Hartnett has over 30 years experience as a professional Tarot reader and Teacher. He is a certified Master Tarot Instructor with the American Tarot association. He is a published author of several books.
Cost: $10 To Register: please write directly to: or call (303) 437-3218