How to Time Travel

The debate scientists have over the practicality of time travel need not affect your own ability to do so. Here are three ways to transcend time and space.


You do not have to be a psychic to use psychometry to time travel. Psychometry is the ability to access information through touch. Do you every find yourself touching the walls of old buildings in awe of their age, design or beauty? The next time you are visiting a landmark, or handling an old object, close your eyes and relax. Have the intention to receive information with no preconceived ideas.

See what impressions come up. They may be visual, mental or a feeling sense. Ask questions of the object or physical space. Trust what comes. You might be surprised that touch is an interesting way to travel back in time with ease if you approach it with an open and playful attitude.


Another way to travel through time is through meditation. The mind has the ability to lift beyond the physical world and explore the universe. As an experiment, stop for a moment right now and go back to your childhood. Have the intention to go back to a specific time and receive impressions.

Close your eyes and think of your favorite childhood toy. Recall the hours of happiness you had with the toy or playing with other children. See yourself holding it. How did it feel back then? If an image appears and some feeling is recalled, you have, in effect, time traveled. You can go back to any age or a past life. For a future life you can ask to receive future memories.

 Past Life Regression – Future life Projectionmysterious-time

In the hands of a skilled practitioner, you can easily move both forward and backward along your own timeline. You can have the intention to gain insights into yourself, resolve an issue that you feel is rooted in another time, or just explore.

This is a very effective approach, especially if you have doubts about your own ability to travel time by yourself. A good practitioner is one who has explored their own other lifetimes, can get you into a relaxed state, and be present with you during your journey. When you receive imagery from a past life, the colors may be darker or faded.  Future lifetime memories may be more colorful or light-filled. You may see how your present life is connected to other lifetimes in surprising ways.

Written by: Egan Sanders

Want to Learn More?
Egan is hosting a Future Life Progression Workshop at For Heaven’s Sake
Sunday, October 23rd, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Register here >>

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