jewellery-1613801_1280The past can often haunt us. While most people have learned to let go of the past, some people find it difficult to move on. This is especially true for those who are dealing with neglect, abuse, poor childhood or negative feelings. They would push the painful memories into the backmost corner of their mind hoping to forget about them.  Unless you learn to accept and deal with these painful memories they’ll still linger in the back of your head.

While letting go of our past can be one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, we believe that crystals can help you release anything that is anchoring you to the past.

Here are some of the best crystals for letting go and moving forward.

Blue Lace Agate

Agate is a popular crystal that comes in a variety of colors. When found in lighter shades of blue, you will find patience, forgiveness, acceptance and recovery. It can help you overcome bitterness and negativity, let go of the past and for starting over.


Citrine is a powerful purifier of one’s will center. It is an excellent crystal that helps release deep-seated fears, negative feelings, anger and destructive tendencies. This sunny stone encourages you to let go of your fear, past experiences, and self-limiting thoughts so you can move forward optimistically.

Smokey quartz

Smokey quartz helps release old, blocked and stagnant energy in your body. It also helps you let go of old belief systems and patterns that are holding you back. This is excellent for stubborn people who refuse to let go of negative emotions.


Whether you’re looking to forgive yourself or someone else, this crystal can help. Rhodonite crystals have a strong heart-based energy. They are known for their capacity to release blocked energy from the within the heart chakra and bring emotional healing.

Hold the crystal in your hand or your higher heart chakra as you repeat your preferred affirmation. Envision yourself receiving or offering forgiveness.

Alternative healing store denverBest crystals for letting go and moving forwardBlue lace agateCitrineCrystal healingCrystalsEnergy workFor heaven's sake denverFor heavens sakeMetephysical storeRhodoniteSmokey quartz

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