There are many ways to use crystals. Some use it for protection, healing and good luck. But did you know that crystals can also be used to give your career a boost? If you want to take your career to new heights, try incorporating stones and crystals into your life.

In this blog post, we’ll give you a collection of the best crystals that will help you achieve success in your career.

Tiger’s eye

Tiger’s eye is a great crystal to have on hand if you are looking to give your career a boost. No matter what your profession is, this crystal will give you the confidence, courage and will to assist you in pursuing your goals. If you are in a difficult situation, Tiger’s eye is also beneficial. It helps release fear and anxiety; thus, allowing you to make decisions with understanding and discernment.


If your job entails communicating with lots of people or if you have a big presentation coming up, Turquoise is the best stone to keep on you. This stone will help keep you relaxed and calm when speaking in public. If you are a shy person, Turquoise may assist you to contribute to more conversations. It will also allow you to speak with forthrightness when needed.
This beautiful crystal is also best suited for offices since it provides protection from negativity. It aids you to become more passionate and forgiving to those who do not act compassionately to you.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is a good crystal for you to get and hang on to if you have low self esteem and you need a boost in confidence. Rose quartz is perfect for those who lack confidence, which interferes in their ability to shine in their career.
Rose quartz is known as the crystal of unconditional love. It will have you loving yourself, make you more confident and feel better about yourself. It is also a good idea to place a rose quartz on your desk since it resonate its love energy into the surroundings.


Goldstone is an asset for professionals who are looking to move up the corporate ladder. It is said to bring luck and abundance to its owner. This attractive gemstone helps its wearer achieve his/her goal with minimal effort. It is also a good deflector of unwanted energy.

4 crystals to give your career a boostCrystal healingCrystals

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