What is a Bahia Amethyst Wand?

These beautiful Amethyst points are mined in the state of Bahia, Brazil and are elestial wands. When these first arrived at For Heaven’s Sake, we were blown away by the rich purple color and how good they felt to hold! We sell a lot of these pieces, but luckily Bahia Amethyst is plentiful and we have a lot in the stores – and just in time for the holidays. The properties of Bahia Amethyst are the same as typical Amethyst:

  • Amethyst is an exceptional stone for overcoming addictions and sloughing off unwanted behaviors.
  • Extremely calming, it opens a gateway for spiritual balance and access to memories of blissful Divine perfection.
  • It stills the mind, incorporating a peaceful state of pragmatic mindfulness with higher dimensional learning.
  • While Amethyst lifts us up, it also has the ability to bring on a gentle grounding effect so that a feeling of being balanced and present reigns.
  • Amethyst opens the Crown Chakra and creates a pathway for access to higher vibrations.
  • It instills the ability to act responsibly and to honor the vibration of love for All That Is.
  • Because of its serene nature, Amethyst encourages selflessness and helps one  to release anger and fear.
  • In meditation, it shows one the bigger picture and instills deep acceptance and understanding for the laws of the Universe.
  • Amethyst has been known to help with anxiety disorders, alcoholism and other addictive themes, insomnia and mental disorders.

Theses beauties make terrific gifts and stocking stuffers! Beautiful, economical and transformational – how can you go wrong? Stop by our Denver or Lakewood stores, hold a piece and see for yourself.

Store hours:

Monday – Thursday, 10am-6pm

Friday – Saturday, 10am-7pm

Sunday 10am-5pm

Denver, 303-964-9339, Lakewood 303-953-8760

Addiction crystalsAmethystAmethyst wandBahia amethystColorado crystal storesColorado crystalsCrystal stores near me denverCrystalsCrystals denverDenver crystal storesLakewood crystal storesOvercoming addiction with crystalsPurple amethyst

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