hunters-moonTraditionally, Full Moons are associated with an inability to sleep, insanity, and magical phenomena. The moons are generally named in reference to the month that they are occurring. The Full Moon this October is called a Hunter’s Moon, named because it was the time to hunt for preparation for the upcoming winter. While Hunter’s Moon is the most common name, other name’s associated with this month are “Travel Moon” and “Dying Grass Moon”. It is also a 1st Super Moon this year, meaning that within its rotation it will be closest to the earth making it appear larger than usual.

ariesThe moon in Aries happens when the lunar path is crossing the first sector of the zodiac in conjunction with the constellation Aries. It represents a good time to balance your personal requisites and the needs of people closest to your everyday life. The message is to embrace your passionate desires while containing your ego. The Sun will be in Libra as a reminder to be fair and care about how your actions affect those with whom you have intimate relationships. The Aries moon encourages you to be assertive, stand up for yourself, do something for you, improve your body, do something rebellious, and find or nourish a passionate love relationship.

The act of celebrating the full moon happens all around the world. The moon represents the idea of letting go whatever doesn’t serve you to invite in what does. The high tide of power, creative, and amplifying aspects of this time really aides you to release what no longer serves you.

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We would like to share some ideas of a Full Moon ritual. Use this powerful time as a way to invoke a ritual of setting actions, releasing, unburdening yourself, purging, and letting go. This celebration is a way of stepping out of old habits and patterns to establish a new frame of mind and behavior.

Use your intuition to guide you to make it you own intention with the following ideas:

What you will need: pen, paper, matches, a candle, smudge, an abalone shell (or bowl), and personalized items for your alter.

  1. Begin by clearing your energy field. The use of sage or Palo Santo is highly recommended. Imagine yourself being enveloped by white light, circling around and through you. Allow any negative energies that do not serve you to be pushed out and away.
  2. Create a sacred space. Build an alter with items that have value to you, such as crystals, candles, shells, bowl of water, etc. Moonstone, selenite, and amethyst are three crystals that work well for full moons, however use ones that you feel connected with!
  3. Draw the energy of the moon within. “Mother Goddess lend me your light, give me your power on this faithful night, I invoke you into my being and soul, fill up my vessel and make me feel whole, I stand before you in awe and in love, I cherish the gifts you send from above, I ask you tonight to show unto me, My mother, My Goddess, so mote it be.”
  4. Breathe deeply, center yourself, and write on a piece of paper what it is that you wish to release, what you want to let go of, limiting self-beliefs, attitudes, emotions, people, relationships, illness, pain, habits, addictions …
  5. Release. Once your list is finished breath into your heart and say “I now let this go. And it is so” If you are in space where you are able to set the paper on fire do so and once it is burning place it the abalone shell. As the flames burn the smoke rises and brings your intentions to the universe.
  6. Thank the moon and the universe. “A light shines bright above me and within me, I pray the mother moon graces me with a renewed spirit, bringing calming energies to my heart and mind. I heal under her glow, as I unite her fullness of energy & light, deep into my soul. May I shine ever so bright. Blessed be!”

After your ceremony let your creative juices flow! The full moon is energized of creativity, try painting, writing, drawing. This time is also great for cleansing your crystals, tarot/oracle cards, pendulum, and other sacred tools.

Written by: Sara James
Sources for prayer: Witches of the Craft, Wicca teachings

AriesAstrology for the new ageBreath workCelebrationCleansingCrystal healingCrystalsDenver book storeDenver spiritual communityEnergy workEssential oilsEventsForgivenessFull moonHunter moonMeditationReleaseSmudgeSpiritual practiceSuper moonTarot readingsTradition

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