The sky in November Astrology Forecast by Sophie Rose

The month begins with a new cycle that impacts our emotional and/or creative life (conjunction Venus Mars at 25 Virgo on November 2nd). This energy can take different turns depending on where it lands in your chart: it can stimulate new artistic or creative endeavors, or motivate some clarifications, healing or inner revelations in a close relationship with some fated undertones.

We will actually probably feel a need for adjustments all month in order to avoid tensions and disagreements (Jupiter quincunx Uranus, Saturn Sesqui-square Uranus), it is an opportunity to release old patterns of behavior that became too traditional or narrow minded and look for practical solutions.

This month is also the first of three Saturn-Neptune squares ( 7 Sagittarius-Pisces) that will be with us on and off until September 2016. These are pretty difficult energies to deal with if they touch your chart: they represent a clash between our wishes and the cold, harsh reality, the necessity to take responsibility for our addictions, fantasies or projections as if it is now time to come out of denial. However if we are spiritually inclined, these energies are about learning to listen to our heart’s calling while remaining grounded, taking steps to manifesting our dreams, balancing heavy energy and high vibration and surrendering to higher power.
Have a great month!
AstrologyAstrology for the new ageAstrology forecastSophie roseUncategorized

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