Synopsis of talk and meditation: New moon in Virgo, Sun in Virgo.   Influences from water trine and Chiron September 5th 2013

This new moon marks a new chapter for us. As always the new moon is for sowing seeds we wish to nurture ~ but the energies of this moon offer so much more.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Virgo is sensitive and Spiritual, she is about healing and being of service to ourselves and to others. Virgo guides us to `do things right`. Mercury brings clear thinking and communication. He can strengthen our sense of self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect. Examine your thoughts and weed out where you are still resorting to judgments and criticism`s of others  AND yourself.

Chiron is the ` Wounded Healer` and also a bridge to other levels of reality ~ and along with the water trine we are asked to use our intuitions and insights to change our view of the `obstacles` on our path to being `stepping stones` for our own growth and the expansion of our Souls`  journey.

Have you ever moved home?? You never take with you everything you have accumulated.  This time is for examining where you have come from, and what you have carried along with you? What do you finally need to clear out, release and let go of? We have gone through so many shifts and changes over the course of this year, and so much of `what was` is no longer pertinent or relevant. It is time to consciously decide what you wish to carry forward. Examine where you still slip into any judgments ? ~ of yourself and others .

Begin to rather practice discernment in everything you encounter. Integrate whatever is your new truth. It is a marrying of Masculine and Feminine to embody wholeness going forward, this allows you to create equal partnerships with others and step closer to your Souls purpose. Support yourself fully in all areas of your life ~ Health, Well-being, Financial, Passions. Create the balance you need, in order to be fully of service whenever the need arises..

Blessings , Anne.

Moon Gatherings with Anne Clark-Caya – presenting twice monthly Full and New Moon Gatherings with Intention Setting Visualizations
Full Moon and New Moon cycles in the astrological houses as well as nearby planets can have a significant influential role in our lives.   Anne will explain the energies of each cycle and how we can work with these prevailing energies to empower and enhance our lives.  A guided visualization will help you set clear intention to engage with each two-week moon cycle. Join us !  Cost:  $10/person. Call the store or Anne to RSVP.
AnneClark-CayaNEWAnne Clark-Caya – Spiritual Energy Healer, Colour Mirrors Practitioner, Merkaba Meditation Teacher – I am British and am settling into life in Colorado after living in South Africa for 36 years. I am very excited to have recently introduced COLOUR MIRRORS from South Africa into the USA. This fascinating new therapy uses the psychology of colour, in order to assist in your finding the answers to life`s challenges and dilemmas. COLOUR MIRRORS is well established in Europe and the East ~ and people here in the USA is enjoying these amazing coloured bottles.
I have almost 40 years of study and research into the Metaphysical world. I have focused on the study and experience of various alternative practices. These include Barbara Anne Brennan energy therapy, Flower of Life Facilitator, ( Mer Ka Ba lightbody activation) Stress Management, Reiki Master Teacher, Massage and Aromatherapy, and Meditation Teacher. Anne is also available on Tuesday, Wednesday and 1st and 3rd Sundays from 11-5PM or by appointment for Energy Clearing and Healing Balance



AstrologyAstrology for the new ageMeditationMoon meditationNew moon

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