Healing The Loss of a Child

You are invited to a Sacred Circle of Women Grieving and Healing the Loss of a Child.

Everything we experience as women prepares us for life. We are left utterly defenseless when death happens. Stunned to our very core, stripped naked by the cruelest event we will ever experience, we are reduced to survival “without.”

Loss of a child support group

Our ancestors and tribal sisters know the power of the Sacred Circle for in the circle, everyone is seen, heard and honored. Everyone is equal. No woman’s pain is any more or less than another’s. The circle holds the collective experiences of all members. Individual stories of loss meld together in a pool of healing compassion and unconditional love. Moments of shared acceptance become a glue that bonds the members of the circle together on the healing journey. In the circle, bodies dance and move, releasing trapped pain and energy to create space for grace and forgiveness. Spirits of our beloveds join in to remind us that although we can no longer touch, hear, or smell them, they are will us always.

Like ripples on a pond, each story starts as a single circle and expands so that it soon becomes one with the ripples of multiple stories. The circle is a sacred space to remember, release, transform and create.

Whether you have lost a child, born or unborn, one that was a relative, one that you cared for or cared about, please attend the Gathering of Women That Grieve the Loss of a Beloved Child on Saturday, September 30, 2024, 1pm-5pm at For Heaven’s Sake Applewood. hosted by Kathi Quinn. 

1 comment

Marianne Wyller

Marianne Wyller

My son wants to take me here to your store and I missed this workshop of losing a child. I had 3 miscarriages many many many years ago. I am now soon 63 but still horrible losses all the same. I was wondering if is there another workshop in the future? Please let me know. Thanks so much….

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