28th November 2012Full Moon in Gemini – Partial moon eclipse – Sun in Sagitarius
Key Words:
Making changes, Ethics, Opportunity, Learning, Action, Self- image, Examining, Experiencing, Community, Interactions.
Gemini is an Air sign- This is your logic and common sense. Self expression through self image, writing, artworks, etc. Gemini is asking you to look back in order to correct your course when moving forward.
Sagittarius is wanting us to look outside of ourselves to see what is going on – how we are seen ( and see ) is reflected back at us. Examining our morality and how our
decisions impact on the bigger picture. Higher learning and understanding of how things are interconnected.
The full moon and eclipse shines a light on what may require examination and corrections. Shifts and changes are triggered now.
So we have the possibility of inner and outer conflicts.. we need to find a balance between our Hearts and Minds. Using our intuition for guidance, but being mindful , even analytical, of decisions we make.
We are asked to find and speak our own truth,, not that which is passed on from others, and to be clear and honest on all levels of expression. BUT having said this, we must
stay vigilant that decisions we make in our own lives, are also for the good of the bigger picture i.e. the family and community .
It is better to make these choices and the changes asked for now, and in our own way, as
they will play out regardless over the next moon cycle, and that could prove very uncomfortable.
Anne Clark-Caya www.lifelightworks.com