May Friday, May 13th-Nick Event 7-8:30pm $15/pp
Join us for an evening of guidance with questions and answers. Updated information regarding 2012, et’s and more!
Also receive a private session with Deb (Nick) on Saturday’s psychic fair, 5/14 from 11-5! Call the store to reserve your spot!
What is it that you wish to create? Joy, illusion, or perfect manifistation through awareness? Earth’s recalibration is occuring all around, with or without you. Choosing to recalibrate in harmony, through Self, will bring your biological body back into balance and peace of “mind.” Take self out of the mind and put Self into the heart. This is the most powerful gift of manifistation~Love of Self
What is it that
What is it that you wish to create? Joy, illusion, or perfect manifistation through awareness? Earth’s recalibratiooccuring all around, with or without you. Choosing to recalibrate in harmony, through Self, will bring your biological body back into balance and peace of “mind.” Take self out of the mind and put Self into the heart. This is the most powerful gift of manifisve you wish to create? Joy, illusion, or perfect manifistation through awareness? Earth’s recalibration is occuring all around, with or without you. Choosing to recalibrate in harmony, through Self, will bring your biological body back into balance and peace of “mind.” Take self out of the mind and put Self into the heart. This is the most powerful gift of manifistation~Love of Self
at is it that you wish to create? Joy, illusion, or perfect manifistation through awareness? Earth’s recalibration is occuring all around, with or without you. Choosing to recalibrate in harmony, through Self, will bring your biological body back into balance and peace of “mind.” Take self out of the mind and put Self into the heart. This is the most powerful gift of manifistation~Love of Self