Have you ever felt tired all of a sudden? Or may you start feeling blue all of a sudden? Most people fail to realize this, but these signs may indicate that you have picked up negative energies.

Here are 4 ways to protect yourself from negative energy.

Surround yourself with positive people

Your surroundings have a tremendous impact on yourself. This is why it is important to surround yourself with positive people. They practice positive thinking and try to find the good side of any problem. They also create happiness from within.

Stay away from the drama

It’s not a coincidence that we suddenly feel anxious, sick or irritated when we’re around some people.  This is because some people give off negative energy. These people practice bad habits, create drama, constantly complain about life. The emotions they spread influence your thoughts and actions. They are sure to bring you down. You want to stay away from those people as much as possible.

No matter how optimistic you are as a person, there are times when you find yourself in a stressful situation. It’s a part of life. Don’t let these situations affect and disrupt your life. You need to keep your protective energy shield up and stay away from the drama. It’s not worth it.

Take care of yourself

You need to take care of yourself first before you care for others. By doing so, you’ll feel better, healthier, happier. Get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, exercise and interact with other people.

When you take care of yourself, it will be easier for you to stay strong and grounded. This is especially true when you’re faced with negative energy.

Use crystals

A lot of people are sceptical about crystals. We can benefit from crystals in several ways. This includes protecting yourself from negative energies.

Crystals like Smokey Quartz, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Fire Agate are just some of the most widely used protective crystals. Wear them, carry them with you or place them in your home or workplace to keep your psyche clear from the impact of negative energy.

Effective ways to protect yourself from negative energyEnergy workFor heaven's sake denverHere are 4 ways to protect yourself from negative energy.Spiritual practiceStay away from the dramaSurround yourself with positive peopleTake care of yourselfUse crystals

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