Crystals for Dieting and Exercise

January and February are a time for cocooning, so it’s hard to stick resolutions. March is a good time to restart. The days now are longer, so you can get that run or walk in after dinner. It’s a time of transformation.
To help you in your quest – be it to lose weight, meditate or start that project - here are some ways to get you geared for spring.
Crystals for dieting and exercise
Now’s the time to take a look at the foods you are eating. To help you with healthy choices, try these crystals for weight loss.
Apatite: Sounds crazy but Apatite can help quell your appetite. Apatite displays in blue, green and yellow, and all apatite crystals help to
- Stimulate endocrine system and digestion
- Assists detoxification
Naisha Ahsian writes in “The Book of Stones,” Golden Apatite “stimulates the metabolism and helps the body use energy efficiently. It can be an aid for losing weight or enhancing the effects of exercise.”
Garnet: There are six types of Garnets, and all types are powerful stones of attraction and can help with
- Manifestation
- Prosperity
- Enjoyment of worldly pleasures.
The variety that can assist with weight management is Spessartine Garnet writes Ahsian as it “stimulates the body and can help with weight loss, and is excellent tonic for the endocrine system.”

Hemimorphite: Melody, author of “Love is in the Earth,” likes this wonderful baby blue crystal for support when dieting, assisting with
- Body maintenance
- Shaping – think weight lifting
- Agility – think aerobic exercise.
Hemimorphite also can assist with other ways of getting in shape by helping with
- Regaining health
- Self-transformation
- Personal evolution
- Reducing pain from those workouts.
Staurolite: This mineral often forms in a cross shape and is known as “fairy crosses.” Richard Simmons in “The Book of Stones” likes Staurolite for weight management for these aspects:
- Teaches to treat oneself and body with appreciation and reverence
- Helps with giving up destructive behavior
- Helps with cleansing regimens
- Choosing healthy habits
- Reducing resistance to positive changes in diet and exercise.
And of course, we have to talk about some of the legends surrounding “fairy crosses”
- Woodrow Wilson and Thomas Edison carried Staurolite as good luck charms.
- When the Cherokee Indians cried on the Trail of Tears, their tears formed crosses in the ground.
- Fairies cried when they learned the ground they were gathered upon was the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and their tears formed crosses.
Iolite-Sunstone: This is a wonderful natural occurring combination. It shows itself as a violent crystal (Iolite) with sparkling inclusions of Sunstone. In terms of crystals for weight loss and excersise - in “The Book of Stones,” this combination is known for its ability to help with:
- Self-discipline
- Making concrete plans to achieve goals
- Following through on those plans
- Enhances ability to take responsibility to move forward
- Increases enthusiasm
- Aids in weight loss by stimulating endocrine system.
Journaling for Weight Loss

And if losing weight is not enough motivation to get back into journaling or to start journaling then maybe these benefits might pique your interest:
- Reduces stress
- Helps to process emotions
- Helps to prioritize
- Improve immune function
To help with journaling, For Heaven’s Sake has a wonderful variety of journals from leather-bound books to paperback journals. Lighting a candle or some incense can bring a calming experience to journaling. Enjoy your time journaling, even if you just doodle, which also holds many mental health benefits.
We hope this post about crystals for dieting and exercise is helpful to you. Good luck on your journey to a healthy 2023. It’s never too late to start your path to a vibrant life!