crystal-alliesAre you having trouble sleeping at night? Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night that you go to work with barely any sleep? You’re not alone. In fact, studies show that roughly 60 million Americans suffer from sleeping problems.

Poor sleep can make life a misery. It can blight lives and ruin health. The good news is that, you don’t have to resort to taking sleeping aids to get a good night’s sleep. Crystals can help you do that.

Use these crystals for a more restful sleep.


This crystal has long been used to cure sleeplessness. Place a moonstone under your pillow if your insomnia is due to emotional stress. Moonstone has a calming effect and will help ease the emotional distress that is keeping you awake.

Clear quartz

Quartz crystal is excellent for an unsettled mind. It provides a calming influence on an otherwise chaotic mind. It also helps get rid of negative energy so you’ll have pleasant dreams while you sleep. It can also amplify the vividity of your dreams and memory recall upon waking up.


Amethyst is often used to relieve stress and tension, which are the most common causes of insomnia. This lovely stone soothes the conscious mind and provide a sense of calm for the body, making it possible to enjoy a restful sleep.


Hematite is a great crystal for people who struggle to sleep or stay asleep at night. It calms both the mind and the body. If you can’t sleep because the pain in your leg is bothering you, just place this crystal near your body or under your pillow and it will help ease the pain. Hematite also transmutes negative energy into positive energy, making it easier for you to sleep even if something is bothering you.


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