Angel Insight for May by Jen Dundee

Every month we receive a new infusion of Divine Energies designed to support us in unique ways. This month’s energies are about:

  • Helping us make smooth changes
  • Inspiration to be our true selves (no more holding back)
  • Going for what we really want in this life

This month’s Angel insight comes to us from Archangel Jophiel:

Allow Change

“Changes will continue into the month of May, having been set in place by your very own soul. They are part of your path, and when you acquiesce to them, you will feel a great release of burden and responsibility.

Others in your life may not understand your personal changes, yet when they see the difference you experience in life, they will rethink their position.

When you receive these messages, some old and some new, to make change, please do not be swayed by the opinions of others. Please do not allow their views to become your views.

Know that there are many in Heaven that watch over you now. They are cheering you on and sending you encouragement to make these blessed changes in your life.”

Daydream your Desires into Reality

“Once you set the energy-of-change into motion, it’s time to begin dreaming and visualizing what you really want for yourself and your life. Many never allow themselves to dream big; for fear that they are wasting their time. We see the exact opposite. When you dream big you are creating time – you are creating the time and space within your very precious life to receive your dream.

Daydreams are a form of manifesting; a very powerful form of manifesting because you are giving yourself expanded permission to be whoever and whatever you want.

Sit near a window, let the sunlight shine-in and allow your mind to drift into a daydream about what you truly want for your life.

Do not hold back on your daydreams and visualizations. God and the universe will respond and neither one judges what you are requesting, they simply seek to provide for you.”

Support your Daydreams with Good Thoughts

“Once you set your daydream in motion, support it with your daily thoughts. Self-defeating thoughts teardown your dreams, so support your daydreams with a strong foundation of positive, go-for-it, thoughts.”

Happy turn-your-dreams-into-reality-month!

–          Jen

Meet Jen Dundee at For Heaven’s Sake! May 6th, Tuesday evening from 7-9PM ~ You’re Invited!

Angel Messages Night

The Archangels and Angels will deliver group messages to the entire audience as well as personal, individual messages.  This is sure to be an inspiring night!  Click here to learn more or to RSVP.

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