Vernal Equinox 2022

Vernal Equinox

Are you ready for spring? The Vernal Equinox, which this year was at 9:33 a.m. March 20, marked the beginning of Spring, and when the Earth’s tilt to the Sun is at 0 degrees. It also marks when day and night is nearly equal at 12 hours.

The Spring Equinox is a celebration of renewal, rebirth and new beginnings. Just look toward Mother Earth for signals of springing forward – budding trees, blooming crocus and frolicking animals.

Many cultures and religious holidays are tied to the Vernal Equinox. Easter is celebrated the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Boy that’s a mouthful. Passover is tied to the lunar cycle and the Equinox

The eight festivals or Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year include Ostara, which is linked to the Vernal Equinox. (Each Sabbat corresponds to the natural cycle of the Earth and the seasons.) Ostara is observed with feasts, colored eggs, rabbits, chicks and flowers. Sound familiar? For more on the Wheel of the Year here is an excellent overview

So how will you celebrate the marking of Spring? Here are a few suggestions.

Cleanse. Spring and cleaning seem to go together. I like to smudge my home to start the Vernal Equinox celebration. I start with white sage (some people like desert sage or blue sage

and I make sure I distribute the smoke in all corners of the house, including closets. After the sage, I like to use the smoke from sweetgrass to bring in the good energy. Then I like to burn whatever fills my fancy – lavender, frankincense, camphor, dragon’s blood, copal. 

Visit a Landmark. Living in Colorado we are blessed with magnificent mountains, valleys and rock formations. Take a hike at Rocky Mountain National Park, Red Rocks, Bear Creek and Clear Creek trails. For more on day hikes close to Denver visit here.

Ring in Spring. Greet new beginnings with sound by raising the vibration. Play a singing bowl. Tap on a tongue drum or a ceremonial drum

Build a Crystal Grid

One must have stone is Preseli Bluestone. It is the outer stone at the famous landmark Stonehenge.  It comes from Wales, and many scholars thing these stones were there first before the larger stones. Other crystals to add to the grid include Rainforest Jasper, Tree Agate, Green Moss Agate, Moonstone, Sunstone and Peridot

Write. Wishing Paper  is a wonderful way to eliminate old habits and burning new habits into fruition.  Journaling is great for writing forgiveness letters and letters of gratitude. 

Jewelry. I love wearing my Tree of Life or goddess jewelry during celebrations. 

No matter how you celebrate this Vernal Equinox, don’t stop the festivity after the 20th! Keep celebrating your renewal and rebirth.

#change#denver#equinox#healing#spiritualshopAbundanceActionAmethystAmethyst for cleansing and energizingBeadsBeing refreshedBenefits and uses of white sageBenefits of essential oilsBlessingsBracelets

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