Synopsis; Full Moon Eclipse in Aries. Sun in Libra. October 18th 2013. Mercury turns retrograde October 21st

MoonwaterThe focus of this Aires/Libra full moon/eclipse is relationships and balance. The F.M. serves to `shine a light` and exposes that which we or others may prefer to be kept secret or do not want to look at too closely. The eclipse emphasizes this energy threefold ~! So we may be in for some startling insights and / or revelations.

Aries is ruled by Mars, and is a fire sign so brings the need for action and `getting things done`. Libra brings diplomacy fairness and balance into play, and we will need as much of this we can access as we move through the next few days.

Eclipses will usually bring or initiate major endings or beginnings. So it is wise to stay aware of what we need to complete, or end a chapter on in our lives. This will allow the space for something new. Eclipses also bring things out of the shadows ~ so be sure you deal with integrity in all you do. Issues of your own `shadow` could surface, so look out for your own `mirrors` playing out with others.

The astrological emphasis at this time is Relationships and Balance. Libra and Aries combined wish to create harmony in all our relationships but first the pathway must be cleared. If our relationship with ourselves is not harmonious ~ how then can we create this with others? If we have not heeded the messages and insights Spirit and our intuition have given us, then this is when we will experience the inner conflicts and the mirrors become more present in order we can evolve.

 *Are we able to give, but not receive?  *Are we repeating relationship patterns and attitudes created by our parents or culture?  *Do we hold ourselves as `less` or `better` than others in various situations?

Our relationships with others allow us to see what in us requires attention in order we get our balance back.  Be aware that everyone could be more vulnerable and emotional at this time (we are ALL experiencing this energy) so remember not to take others` outburst personally, and don`t get pulled into others` dramas and issues. Stay in a Heart-based consciousness as much as possible.

The choices you make today create your `tomorrows`. Things are evolving right now, so stay aware and flexible. Trying to control outcomes will compound conflicts as everything is in a place of `change`. ~ Hang on lightly not tightly is good advice.

Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st, so communication becomes even more challenging. Stay in compassion, and be gentle with yourself and others.

Blessings, Anne

Moon Gatherings with Anne Clark-Caya – presenting twice monthly Full and New Moon Gatherings with Intention Setting Visualizations
Full Moon and New Moon cycles in the astrological houses as well as nearby planets can have a significant influential role in our lives.   Anne will explain the energies of each cycle and how we can work with these prevailing energies to empower and enhance our lives.  A guided visualization will help you set clear intention to engage with each two-week moon cycle. Join us !  Cost:  $10/person. Call the store or Anne to RSVP.
AnneClark-CayaNEWAnne Clark-Caya – Spiritual Energy Healer, Colour Mirrors Practitioner, Merkaba Meditation Teacher – I am British and am settling into life in Colorado after living in South Africa for 36 years. I am very excited to have recently introduced COLOUR MIRRORS from South Africa into the USA. This fascinating new therapy uses the psychology of colour, in order to assist in your finding the answers to life`s challenges and dilemmas. COLOUR MIRRORS is well established in Europe and the East ~ and people here in the USA is enjoying these amazing coloured bottles.
I have almost 40 years of study and research into the Metaphysical world. I have focused on the study and experience of various alternative practices. These include Barbara Anne Brennan energy therapy, Flower of Life Facilitator, ( Mer Ka Ba lightbody activation) Stress Management, Reiki Master Teacher, Massage and Aromatherapy, and Meditation Teacher. Anne is also available on Tuesday, Wednesday and 1st and 3rd Sundays from 11-5PM or by appointment for Energy Clearing and Healing Balance


AstrologyAstrology for the new ageFull moonFull moon meditationMeditation

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