The third eye is often associated with wisdom and intuition. It is connected to clairvoyance and spirituality. Opening your third eye is the doorway to all things psychic.

The third eye is located just above the eye level and between the brows. Although our eyes allow us to see everything around us; our third eye allows us to see the true world. It brings decisiveness, intuition, bliss, concentration, clarity and a strong connection to your inner wisdom or intuition.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some simple, yet effective ways to support the opening of your third eye. Follow these tips if you wish to awaken your third eye.

Hone your intuition

The third eye is known as the main seat of higher levels of intuition and perception. If you want to open your third eye, then you need to find ways to cultivate your intuition. There are several ways to do this. You can learn how to read tarot cards, read horoscopes or get acquainted with your dreams and their meanings. Explore and have fun. You don’t need to take it too seriously.

Cultivate silence

To be able to listen to the information and messages that come through your third eye, you need to cultivate silence. This can be done through meditation, sitting calmly in nature or just being absorbed in your favorite activity.

You are likely to miss the message or information if you have a busy or noisy mind. That said, you should start by fostering the silence of the mind.

Ground yourself through mindfulness

Being mindful helps you get in tune with yourself and the world around you. You are consciously paying attention to your physical sensations and emotions. You are more actively aware of what’s going on around you.

Staying indoors all day can restrict the mind immensely. Try to spend more time outdoors. If possible, spend more time in nature. Just sit down and pay attention to everything that is happening around you.  Another way to practice mindfulness is to slow down. Move your body slowly, talk slowly, breathe slowly, eat slowly, drink slowly and walk slowly. Allow yourself to fully connect with the movement. Being more mindful can help you feel calmer and utilize your third eye better.

Clairvoyance and spiritualityCultivate silenceEnergy workFor heavens sakeGround yourself through mindfulnessHone your intuitionMeditationSimple techniques to open your third eyeSpiritual practiceThird eye

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