Psychic readingsCleanse your energy, let go of negative vibrations, and heal your soul at For Heaven’s Sake. We have INTUITIVE / PSYCHIC READERS AND BODYWORK practitioners on hand every day of the week to help you see what’s ahead and let go of what’s behind.

Our readers’ specialties include horoscope astrology, tarot card and angel card readings, palmistry, numerology, psychic mediumship (they talk to people who have crossed over), Akashic record readings, Angelic channeling, pure trance and conscious channeling, medical intuition, spiritual counseling and prayer work, feng shui consultations, animal communication and pet massage, dream interpretation, numerology, tea leaf reading, sacred ceremony, palmistry, past life and life between lives regressions, hypnotherapy, shamanic journeys, reiki energy work, chakra balancing, Journey work, house and personal energy clearing and balancing, theta healing and meditation, access consciousness/bars sessions, massage, raindrop therapy, and reflexology.

Many of our practitioners have 25+ years of service and can also be available by special appointment or by phone. They’re all psychic intuitive and have psychic abilities!

 Join us New Year’s Eve, 10am-5pm to set your intentions and resolutions. $1 minute/30 minute minimum (some exceptions apply).  Visit one of the following: 


DeannaGloydDeanna Gloyd. Deanna’s connection with the Divine helps her to connect with SPIRIT / God in a unique way. Through her faith walk with SPIRIT she ha been able to speak with spirits (mediumship), enhance other’s connection with their spirit guides and angels (help them to hear, see, or feel their own guidance), clear ghost and spirits from homes, businesses, and people. She is an expert in quickly getting to the ROOT cause of relationship, health, and financial issues. In these readings your current experience will be addressed at multi-dimensional levels to give you clarity and understanding of how you can shift into new circumstances. Each reading includes energetic clearing as well as practical action steps to create the experience you want.

DiaNunezDia Nunez. Dia’s a Lukumi Shaman of Yemaya, cofounder of The H20 Network, Artist, producer The Lukumi School of Thought. Serves as a Lukumi Priestess of Yemaya (Afro-Cuban Tradition), Spiritualist (Mediumship Communication With The Dead), First Degree Ritual Master under the linage of Gudni Gudnason former member of the Golden Dawn Mystery School (High Magic), and Palo Mayombe Yaya (A Priestess in Congo African Tradition), and Spiritual Stone Artist. Dia was born with spiritual sight and hearing all of her life. The services offered: Tarot, Astrology Readings (By appointment only), Stone Oracle Reading, Coffee Cup Readings. Spiritual House Cleansing, Personalized Spiritual Baths, and Candle Therapy for Money, Love and Spiritual Growth and Expansion, Power Bags for Healing, Love, and Spiritual Growth.

MelodieMaticeMelodie Matice. Clairvoyant, Reiki Master, Teacher, Manifest Your Desires Sessions, Light Body Activations, Balance Chakras, Release Karma, Relaxing Energy Work, and Reconnecting to Source.  Melodie has been both a student and teacher of spiritual truth for many years. She had a profound transformation during a near-death experience. After this experience, Melodie traveled the world to study, pray and heal with higher consciousness teachers.Melodie has various degrees, credentials and training in many energy and consciousness-raising modalities.  A gifted intuitive reader, Melodie provides answers to many questions including your soul’s purpose in this incarnation. She also is experienced in many and various types of balancing and relaxing energy work. She assists individuals in opening to higher levels of consciousness and well-being they can create for themselves.

Walkins welcome. Call the store to schedule an appointment: 303.964.9339 or email

20184 ways crystals can change your lifeAstrologyBalance chakrasChannelingClairvoyance and spiritualityClairvoyantCrystalsDenverDivineEnergy workHypnotherapyKarmaLeaf readingLukumi priestessManifestationsMediation practiceMediumMetaphysicalNew year's eveNumerologyPalmistryReikiTarot cards

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