
< Transformation>

<Action and Independence>

<Clearing and Forgiving>


Aries at this time holds the energy of SELF. This can be self absorption or self examining. Be wary of slipping into victim mode, You can use this energy to look at what you have achieved over the past few months, and what you still need to accomplish.

This full moon is still heavily influenced by the volatile Pluto / Uranus dance going on in the heavens. (This energy will influence and play out for the next 3 years) However, the volatile aspect is more `external` and we will probably see even more unrest and conflict/confrontation around the planet – These past few days have seen political confrontations from the masses in Spain and Portugal.

This will continue to play out all over the planet until a new and fair balance is established.

Personally the picture is considerably better – This time of `revolution and transformation` can be used as a spring board for us to really change our lives,, Aries will help you see what has GOT TO GO now,,, and we can focus on what we want to change / manifest/and move into for the rest of our lives. Alchemy is available for each of us.

Work from your Heart – Continue the work, and literally anything is possible….


Anne Clark-Caya

Anne clark-cayaAstrologyAstrology for the new ageCeremonyFull moonMoonMoon ceremonyMoon energiesNew moonSpiritual work

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