Crystals for Love: Carnelian, Kunzite & Rhodochrosite

 Beyond Rose Quartz: Carnelian, Kunzite, Rhodochrosite

Rose Quartz remains the go-to for those looking to spice up their love life, however maybe it’s time to up your game and add a few more love evoking crystals to your collection.

Carnelian is having its 15 minutes of fame because of Tik Tok and there’s a reason. It can help you attract that certain person by upping your confidence. It can give you courage to speak what’s really on your mind and heart. So, you might be inclined to tell that certain someone you are interested in more than being friends. (It’s also been called the Singer’s Stone for its clarity in voice.)

Melody, who wrote “Love is in the Earth,” states: Carnelian’s message is that since one is love, there is nothing to do but to offer love. Pinkish Red Carnelian encourages love between parent and child. The orange can enhance the sensual.

And if connecting with your Divine light is what you seek, Melody suggests using Carnelian with Kammererite to help connect the physical self with the Higher self. (For Heaven's Sake has a wonderful collection of Kammererite, which is a rare crystal.)

Kunzite is a high vibration crystal that can help connect you with Divine Love. Robert Simmons in the “Book of Stones” reveals “Kunzite opens the heart to the energies of love – self-love, interpersonal love, love for humanity, animals, plants, minerals – all that is love. Most importantly, Kunzite is a conduit for one’s heart to the vibration of Divine Love.”

Simmons’ co-author Naisha Ahsian writes, “Kunzite’s energy gently helps one release the blocks one has set around the heart and allows one to once again move into a state of complete and joyful receptivity.”

Kunzite is also excellent for meditation, especially if you have trouble silencing the chatter in your head.

Rhodochrosite is the state mineral of Colorado. The Sweet Home Mine in Alma  produces some of the best Rhodochrosite in the world. The crystal also comes from Mexico, Argentina, Africa and Russia.

Rhodochrosite  has been called the “Stone of Love and Balance” along with the “Stone of the Compassionate Heart.”

Melody writes, “Rhodochrosite contains a pulsating energy which emits the strongest power of the universe, the power of love. … Rhodochrosite is encompassed by the presence of heavenly energies filled with the golden sphere of light.” Now who wouldn’t want some Rhodochrosite in their collection.

Simmons describes Rhodochrosite with the same enthusiasm. “Rhodochrosite emanates one of the most tender and loving energies of any stone. It soothes the heart and comforts the soul. … It vibrates to the frequencies of inner peace and self-forgiveness, allowing one to fully blossom.”

Thus, the mineral is useful in its ability to attract love, along with healing emotional wounds and past traumas. It can also be used to help heal grief, allowing one to forgive and to forgive one’s self, allowing for self-love.

Come find crystal jewelry on sale now at both For Heaven's Sake locations and on our website. BOGO 50% (on lesser priced item). Sale good through 2/22/2022

3 crystals for loveBook of stonesCarnelianCarnelian agateCarnelian agate crystalCrystals for loveCrystals for self loveKammereriteKammererite and carnelianKunziteLoveLove crystalsRhodochrositeRose quartzSelf-loveValentineValentine's dayValentine's day gifts 2022

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