Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox: A Time of Renewal

2023 Spring Equinox

The 2023 Spring Equinox, this Monday, 20th is a tender time of balanced scales, equal darkness of night with the illumination of the light of day. The natural world is re-awakening. An auspicious portal for both balance and equilibrium exists; potent for the release of what no longer serves you and envisioning what is now possible. As Mother Earth begins to renew herself, we feel the veil that separates the dimensions pull back, allowing her to move into perfect energetic harmony. 


  1. Draw forward renewed personal vitality, as you welcome Spring by connecting with the natural influences all around you. Sit in a natural space in your backyard or on a park bench, on a rock along the mountain path, at the water’s edge near a pond or lake. For those of us in the Denver area, try Red RocksBy doing so, you tap into a seasoned space to receive understanding and insight.
  2. Listen and observe what is outside of you in as much detail as possible. Hear the subtleness of the wind moving through the trees, causing the leaves to dance with delight. See the kaleidoscope patterns of the sun reflected on the path, a fascinating array of light and shadow. Smell the freshness of promise in the air. Sense harmony, peace, or perhaps, expectation as they surround you and maybe even embrace you.
  3. Listen and observe what is inside of you. What is like to stop and appreciate nature? Do you seem at home in this place? How does it feel to sit with yourself? Can you pause from “doing” for a moment? Do you allow yourself the luxury to savor the nuances of this experience? How are you in balance? And how are you not? What can you practice or expand on next time?
  4. You can begin again this Spring Equinox. Now is your chance to do it better; to do it your way! How might you fine-tune how you show up in the world? In this time of renewal, what can take new shape and form? And what needs to re-emerge? This is a time to return to the land of your soul – the place where your core values and your higher aspirations live – and draw that soul alignment forth. Dedicate time and energy to the pursuits that honor your unique and precious character. Show up more fully as your truest self.
  5. Envision and plant powerful, conscious seeds of intention. Be as specific as possible. Record your thoughts, your dreams, your intentions for the next bit of time; be it a week, a month, three months (a quarter), or a year. Now, commit to activate those choices with tangible nourishment for growth. And check-in to be sure that you can allow yourself to receive your good, to accept your happiness, to let it in. It may seem silly, but often we hold our success at bay, we resist letting our good in, allowing it to penetrate and take form. Check yourself to see if you need to stretch in this arena.
Turtle Wisdom Self Help Book Donna DeNomme

Whoever you are,
wherever you are,
whatever is going on in your life,

this is the call…
come home…
to yourself.

-Turtle Wisdom, 2007

What I know is there is so much more to you than even you know. When you take time out and open to the wisdom that comes to you – through you – remarkable understanding can come forth. And when you ask yourself the powerful question, “What am I feeling?” you can explore where you actually are right now, as well as open to the great void of what’s possible. The Essence of Life expresses through you; open to your greatest potential so you might taste life’s sweetness. Be fully alive! 

Savor this human existence
and by doing so
you will elevate it
to even more of what it can be

-Turtle Wisdom, 2007

As you green with new life, know and trust that you’ve got this . . . and that in this time of becoming even your wildest dreams may blossom if you water them! Spring forward with hope and enthusiasm. *  Its perfect timing during this time of earthly renewal.

by Donna DeNomme

Donna DeNomme Reiki Master and Author Denver Colorado

*Donna invites you to watch a previously recorded Spring Equinox guided imagery meditation with visuals on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MA6IqKUD8TU

Learn more about Donna DeNomme here, and be sure to visit our Applewood location to enjoy a healing Reiki session or Free Reiki Information Session with Donna. 



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